Welcome To Dave Zumbek Photography’s Blog

Welcome.  This is the inaugural post to my photography blog.  I am Dave Zumbek and I am the man behind the camera  and business, Dave Zumbek Photography.  My goals for this blog are to share my work and the events that I photograph, while also providing tips, lessons, and my general thoughts in regards to the world of photography.  Stick around, read up, and subscribe!

Photo of Dave Zumbek, Photographer based in Peoria, IL

The Man Behind the Camera and Dave Zumbek Photography, Dave Zumbek.


All About Dave Z

I am a Chicago native and current Peoria resident with a passion for creativity in many forms.  I attended Bradley University from 2000-2004, initially as an Engineer.  I wanted to do something more creative with my life and  decided to enter the Multimedia Program.  During my time in the program, I studied Graphic Design, Web Design & Development, Audio & Video Production, and Photography.  After taking both photojournalism and digital photography classes, I realized one of my true passions, photography.

Upon graduation from Bradley, I began a multimedia development career at a large Peoria area business.  It wasn’t until 2008 that I was really able to integrate photography into my day job.  I started with a few small photo shoots for print and web material I was creating, which eventually led to directing several photo shoots for larger promotions.  This inspired me to become a serious photographer and led to the start of Dave Zumbek Photography.

History of DZP

Established in 2009, Dave Zumbek Photography started as a hobby and turned into business.  I decided to expand upon my passion for photography by working with Peoria area bands.  I was formerly a guitarist in a local area band and realized the need for high quality, professional photos of bands in action.  After all, as a guitar player, I knew how much other guitarists love to see pictures of themselves in action on stage.  Sometimes, shaky and blurred phone/point and shoot pics just don’t cut it…especially in the extreme lighting conditions of some concert venues.  Due to my relationship with several area bands, I was able to score initial photo gigs quickly.  This led me to think, what else can I do?

I was inspired and sought out other areas in which I could utilize my photography skills.  Through friends, family, co-workers, and referrals, I started to get asked to do family portraits, engagement shoots, and head shots.  I wondered where else I could take this new found business thing and started to expand into weddings.  Somewhere along this path, my wife suggested that I should get into boudoir photography.  I started to explore the boudoir and really found my niche.  It took a while and working with several clients, but I finally had the experience under my belt and portfolio to back it up.  I had several areas to focus in and a solid foundation upon which to build my business.

Looking Forward

I continually enjoy working with new clients and having the opportunity to create photos different and better than what I have done in the past. I am about continuous improvement and outdoing myself whenever I can.  I take personal pride in my work and strive to make it the best.  I always take the time to put in the extra effort when editing and really make the photos shine.  My ultimate goal is to make you happy and looking like a rockstar.  I am constantly experimenting with new ways to accomplish this goal.

I am always on the lookout for new clients and open to new genres of work.  If you are looking for a photographer, feel free to leave a comment below or contact me.  I would love to hear from you!

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